Wednesday, May 9, 2018

What to give as a Royal Wedding gift

Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle are incredibly grateful for the goodwill shown to them since the announcement of their engagement and are keen that as many people as possible benefit from this generosity of spirit.  The couple have therefore asked that anyone who might wish to mark the occasion considers making a donation to charity, rather than sending a wedding gift.
Prince Harry and Ms. Markle have personally selected seven organisations they would like to support, reflecting their shared values.
Prince Harry and Ms. Markle do not have any formal relationships with the charities chosen. The couple have chosen charities which represent a range of issues that they are passionate about, including sport for social change, women's empowerment, conservation, the environment, homelessness, HIV and the Armed Forces. Many of these are small charities, and the couple are pleased to be able to amplify and shine a light on their work.

Of the seven charities, I plan to donate to The Wilderness Foundation UK, which promotes the benefits and enjoyment of wild nature. Through the great outdoors, the charity helps build resilience in vulnerable teenagers, introduces rural employment to urban youth, and brings science to life. Hopefully it gives people what Camp Glen gave to Laurie and me: a lifelong love of, and appreciation for, being close to nature.

One of our camp alumnae asked if we were practicing singing our camp songs with British accents. Ha ha. Not a bad idea. The World Choir Games in Cincinnati reminded me how music unites people all over the globe, much like sports does via the Olympic movement.

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