Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Decoding the Royal Wedding Dress Code!

Take note royal wedding guests
By Roberta Correia BRIDE’S Magazine May 2, 2018
... when it comes to royal wedding dress code, there are a few strict rules that every guest MUST follow. "Dress: uniform, morning coat or lounge suit / day dress with hat." That's what Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's royal wedding invitation calls for from its guests for the daytime ceremony. But what exactly does that mean? We can deduce from Kate and Will's 2011 wedding, that there will be plenty of fascinators on display. "As we have seen from royal weddings of the past, especially when it comes to fascinators, as long as you are dressed formally, anything goes," says Bromley. "I would advise every guest take advantage of the opportunity to don the very British but slightly eccentric tradition," she adds.

For women, the hat part is a no-brainer, but what does "day dress" mean exactly? Long hemlines, and modesty are key. A knee-length dress is ideal when it comes to royal weddings, and messing with that hemline could get you some serious glares from her majesty. Bromley also suggests guests take a dressing cue from the Queen herself. "The Queen always dresses in bright colors, it’s how she ensures she can be seen when there are huge crowds of people who have turned up to see her," she says. Wearing something colorful and tailored is a surefire way to please the many cameras that will be not only on the couple but on their guests. "It doesn’t matter how unknown or known the guest is, everyone will be subjected to being broadcast to millions of people around the world as they enter the chapel," adds Bromley.

And what about the dozens of megawatt celebs who are also well-known for their personal style? From what we saw at Kate and Will's royal affair, famous guests (no matter how stylish) are still subject to the dress code. That doesn't mean they can't show some personality with their outfit choices. For Victoria Beckham, Bromley is sure she'll be in one of her own designs, and as she did at 2011's royal wedding, Posh might let her fascinator do the talking when it comes to fashion. Markle's BFF Priyanka Chopra, who has confirmed she will be present at Windsor Castle on May 19th, will also likely have to done down her usual ultra-glam style. And when all else fails, Bromley suggests everyone plan their fashions for the long haul, "It is going to be a long day though so if they do opt to wear high heels I would suggest they have secret cushions inside for the balls of their feet as there might be a lot of standing about before and after the ceremony."

Laurie and I are not invited guests, so we don’t really have to follow the dress code. But I do plan to wear a hat. (Not a fascinator fan) And I’ve let go of “cruel shoes” for quite a while now, so I think I’m okay there. Hemlines? Hmm… None of mine are down to the knee, so they don’t meet the modesty criteria. And for someone who is known for loving bright colors and dressing that way, the colors of my dresses are pretty subdued – navy blue, khaki, and a couple of prints. Maybe I’ll decorate the top of my pink hat like graduates do their mortar boards so you’ll have a way to spot us in the crowd ;)

After watching the Kentucky Derby Saturday, I picked up a key wardrobe accessory for both of us last night – some hooded rain ponchos! And a hiking stick for me in case my bad knee gives out. I’m too vain to use a cane but one of my travel walking sticks may come in handy.

When we post our daily photo(s) on Facebook, feel free to comment on whose outfits you love and dislike. After William’s wedding, I can’t help but wonder what Fergie’s daughters Beatrice and Eugenie will wear!

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