Long, long line to get through security at Edinburgh Airport. Look at all the different flights from the terminal we’re in … cool!
It wasn’t until after we got home that I appreciated how smooth our flights went, coming and going. No baggage lost. Good food to eat in the airport terminals. Plenty of sleep and entertainment (movies) on the planes. Efficient re-entry to the US thanks to the Trusted Traveler (Global Entry) program. After a hard time finding the Uber pick-up spot at CVG, I was grateful that my power hadn’t gone out at home due to the electrical storm.
It was tough quarantining for 14 days after having lived normally again for so long. But I’m thankful I was never very sick with the virus, just tired.
By the time I watched the Open Championship on TV in July, I was well and back to normal again. Like the Rose Parade and the Rose Bowl, I’ll enjoy watching this golf tournament on TV even more now that I’ve been there.